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• Phone For as long as I can remember, I am always fascinated with drawing and color. One of my greatest joys, then and now is to watch students experience the fun of being creative, letting go and experiencing the thrill of their own expression! I was President of the South Delta Artists Guild in 1995/96 and had worked on various committees within that organization for many years. I lived in Edmonton for twelve years and became an active member of the Society of Western Canadian Artists and was President of the Art Society of Strathcona County. As someone born in Saskatchewan and spent most of her life on the West Coast, I felt very comfortable changing from floral to abstract landscapes. Now that I live in the beautiful Okanagan Valley I am thinking floral once again! The beauty of the magnificent blooms are tugging at my creative heart! I am truly interested in all art forms but watercolour, experimental pourings and the many forms of the printmaking process are the areas where I concentrate my creative efforts! One of the activities I was the most proud of was my twelve year Therapeutic Art Class at Grandview Nursing Home in Edmonton. To experience creativity through the eyes of Alzheimer’s patients or stroke victims is wonderful to say the least! In 2011 the Government of Alberta awarded me the Seniors Service Award for outstanding service to Alberta’s seniors. I have fallen in love with this little town of Vernon, the lakes, the hills, the orchards, the people, I could go on and on! I am looking forward to an exciting future experiencing, creating, and enjoying every day to the fullest. |